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the trebanog project & summer in penrhys

Spit & Sawdust were delighted to be invited, on a number of occasions in 2017, to the excellent The Trebanog Project. The Trebanog Project originally operated as a space for social learning, creativity and inclusion based in an unused school in Trebanog, Rhondda, led by artist Owen Griffiths. It was a partnership project by Artes Mundi, Trivalis & Valleys Kids, and has since evolved into a social enterprise.

We were excited to be part of The Trebanog Project as caterers, skate workshop facilitators and general event assistants, for special events such as pizza feasts and public celebrations.

Later, in 2019, we were invited back to the Rhondda Valley by Trivallis, to serve food and offer engagement opportunities for their Summer in Penrhys celebration. Over a week we made and served hundreds of meals to, and with the community.